I rarely drink beer but when I do I prefer Budweiser and an occasional 4 Loko

"I rarely drink beer but when I do I prefer Budweiser or an occasion 4 Loco. Stay inebriated my friends!"

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The second most interesting man in the world

consumed a Black Iron Burger in Alphabet City and it was truly amazing please try it out and tell them the second most interesting man in the world sent you. They also have some triple burger contraption that if you are able to eat the entire mound of meat
they buy your burger and beer for you!!! The only recommendation I would give to BIB is "Offer a Bud on the beer list or High Life, Banquet, even a douchy PBR would be nice as there are some of us out there who still enjoy a working class beer the best.


I stand corrected they only buy you a beer if you finish the Tripple Lindy but that should be reward enough!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Second Most Interesting Man In The World,

    This is Jen, your bartender at BIB. =) I'm so happy to see that you enjoyed your burger! But I have to correct you about the Triple Lindy. We will only buy a beer for whoever finishes eating it by themselves. Not the burger too. Nice try though. ;-)

    We hope to see you when you come into town again. Maybe I'll run to the corner store and buy you a Bud or PBR to enjoy with your burger. Maybe.

