I rarely drink beer but when I do I prefer Budweiser and an occasional 4 Loko

"I rarely drink beer but when I do I prefer Budweiser or an occasion 4 Loco. Stay inebriated my friends!"

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Second Most Interesting Man in the World

loves him some Pann's they have a pork chop that would cause Mohammed himself to convert to Christianity. Plus they are pumping some Les Baxter through the speakers. You could not ask for a nicer place to have lunch.

The Second Most Interesting Man in the World

Does not attend every Dodger game, but when he does attend he always wears Dodger gear and he always sits with McCourt.
I guess not anymore bye bye Frank.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Second Most Interesting Man in the World

Is always looking to purchase art and never travels without a body guard.

Filthy Harold "The Biker" Watches The Second Most Interesting Man in the World's back
Here The second Most Interesting Man in the World is contemplating purchasing some art at The FACEMAKER OPENING SOIREE @ Royal/T 8910 Washington Blvd  Culver City, CA while his faithful bodyguard keeps a close eye on him and his French Supermodel consort ensuring no harm comes to either of them.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

the second most interesting man in the world

has a great view from the terrace of his penthouse!  Stay envious my friends!

Friday, April 15, 2011

The second most interesting man in the world

is admired by all even the First Most Beautiful Woman In The World!

The First Most Beautiful Woman In The World, Second Most Interesting Man In The World, & Andre'
The Second Most Interesting Man In The World, Annonoymus French Super Model, & Andre' Le Gigante'
[Posted with iBlogger from my iPhone]

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The second most interesting man in the world

consumed a Black Iron Burger in Alphabet City and it was truly amazing please try it out and tell them the second most interesting man in the world sent you. They also have some triple burger contraption that if you are able to eat the entire mound of meat
they buy your burger and beer for you!!! The only recommendation I would give to BIB is "Offer a Bud on the beer list or High Life, Banquet, even a douchy PBR would be nice as there are some of us out there who still enjoy a working class beer the best.


I stand corrected they only buy you a beer if you finish the Tripple Lindy but that should be reward enough!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

While in The Second Most Interesting City in the World

The second Most Interesting Man in the World gave the Shake Shack a second chance and once again it failed miserably.  The only thing this burger has going for it is the bun. there is no reason anyone should have to endure waiting in line to eat this garbage.